L'Agència Europea ha aprovat la participació de l'Escola Bon Pastor en un nou projecte Comenius que, amb el títol "Mens sana in corpore sano" permetrà treballar aspectes de la salut a l'escola en col·laboració amb altres 8 centres escolars de tota Europa. La iniciativa s'inscriu en el desenvolupament del Pla Estratègic que l'Escola Bon Pastor ha posat en marxa per potenciar l'aprenentatge de les llengües estrangeres. Prendre part de Projectes Comenius és una oportunitat única per als alumnes, que els permet viatjar i acollir, coneixent noves cultures i pensaments diferents utilitzant l'anglès com a llengua vehicular.

Les dades concretes del Projecte:


· Duració: Curs 2013-2014

Curs 2014-2015

· Escoles participants:

- 1- Kaland barne- og ungdomsskule  (Noruega)

- 2- Hotherskolen (Dinamarca)

- 3- Collège "Vallée de la Beaume" (França)

- 4-Zakladni a materskaskola Nydek,  (República Txeca)

- 5-  János Általános Iskola és Gimnázium (Hungria)

- 6- Kungsbergsskolan (Suècia)

- 7-Holderbergschule (Alemanya)

- 8-Kirami Refia Alemdaroğlu Anadolu Lisesi (Turquia)


- 9- Escola Bon Pastor


Per veure informació ampliada i els objectius del projecte, premeu el botó  "Llegiu-ne més"


· Resum del projecte:

“The title of our project “Mens sana in corpore sano”, is latin for ”A healthy mind in a healthy body”.

In this project, we aim for our pupils to get a better knowledge about their health and body. Through our varied assignments, it is our aim that pupils will be able to see how important healthy eating habits and physical activities are for their mental and physical health.

Our project will be implemented in the following subjects; biology, art and handycraft, languages, physical education, mathematics, house economics and ICT. The project has a broad basis and will involve many teachers and classes (with students from the age of 13-17 years old) at the participating schools.

The project is built up by 4 project periods, each lasting for half a year. We have made plans for evaluation. The main evaluations will take place at the all-partner meetings(at half time and at the final meeting). The main tool of evaluation will be a questionare, made by the school responsible for evaluation.

During the project, each partner school will make a whole range of products; films, digital presentations, a common table calendar, leaflets, a common recipe book, posters, a common logo/mascot, pieces of art and ”The Final Declaration”. Most of our products will be presented on our common website, and will also be disseminated to our communities.

During the 4 project periods the partner schools will make visits to each other. Apart from making new friends, our students and teachers will be able to discuss and show our results and products from the different activities at these visits. They will also discover how different cultures, countries and schools look upon, and work with the themes “healthy body”, “healthy food” and “healthy minds”.

· Objectius:

- Help our students define what is meant by the term “a healthy life”.

- Make our pupils aware of the problems they are facing.

- Make our students understand that what they eat or drink or consume, may affect their quality of life/health.

- Make the pupils aware of the connection between healthy school lunch and school performance.

- To learn about different sports and traditional outdoor games of each partner country, and the physical benefit they can bring.

- To learn the functions of the body and its needs.

- To recognize bad habits (smoking, drug abuse and all other types of abuses) to mention the effects all these abuses have on a humans life and to be able to prevent them.

- To acquire skills in biology, home economics, ICT, foreign language, creative arts.

- To promote mutual respect among partners promoting the acceptance and tolerance of the diversity of cultures and people.

- To feel European and to enable them to communicate with each other.

In order to achieve our objectives, we will divide the project into 4 sections, one section for each half year like this:

Autumn 2013: Physical health

Spring 2014: Food and nutrition

Autumn 2014: Mental health

Spring 2015: Prevention of mental and physical illnesses